Google blog Using video to your Blog ~ Blog for business

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Using video to your Blog

Using video to your blog is a good way to keep it interesting. You can both inform and entertainfollowers of your blog for inclusion video to your blog. It is important to keep some basicrules in mind to make it effective.

Video Hosting

Some blogs allow you to view the video directly to your blog by first downloading the file to the Blogserver. The file will then be integrated into your ad so your readers can click on the videoand watch.You can also host videos on YouTube. This is a very common practice and is perfectlyacceptable. Basically, you want to create a YouTube account to be used for all videosyou want to use your blog.Major blogs have an easy process for adding a YouTube video blog. Typicallyeverything you need to do is copy and paste the URL of the video in the blog editor.Somespecifically an icon, you can use to add a YouTube video display with just a couple ofclicks of your mouse.

Video - What is appropriate?

Your goal is not to add video to the benefit of adding video. You want to make sure the videosdirection you choose for your blog. They should appeal to your target market and bebase relevant to the content that you usually put your blog.It is perfectly acceptable to add YouTube videos created and posted by others. Youcan mention the source if there is generally no specific need.If you add videos other people to your site you want to watch them carefully andmake sure there is nothing inappropriate in the video. Watch several times to be sure.You do not want to be embarrassed by having video on your site that has somethinginappropriate in it.

Video - How much is Too Many?

There really is no definitive number of videos that can be considered too. It dependsyour blog and the videos you add. Short video clips tend to be better than mostclips.A good rule of thumb is to add only one or two videos per ad. More than that can becomeconfusion or awkward.Go ahead and experiment with video on your blog and see how your followers respond. 



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