To blog or not to blog that is the Web site owners should ask. Many people are rushing tocreate a blog with just one goal in mind, and others assume blogging is a waste of time andnever try.The truth is that some companies would benefit from a blog while some would not.Blogging - Do you have something to say?The first question you should ask yourself is whether or not you have something to say which will be either inform or entertain your target market. You must feel confident that you can maintain ablog.If you have "some" information but not enough to maintain a blog, you might consider writing anddistribution of items rather than writing a blog.If you think you have enough to say, then you are past the first step in decision makingprocess.Blogging - Identify the target marketIt is important to identify your target market. Who do you want to read your blog and for thisgoal? This will help you begin to determine whether or not the target market is likely to findand read your blog. You do not want to waste resources in writing a blog that nobody reads.Determine the purpose of your blog is vital. Is this your goal is to create a revenue stream throughaffiliate marketing? The aim is to introduce consumers to products and services on yourwebsite? Is your goal to improve your search engine rankings?Once you know your goal or goals you can begin to determine how likely it is for you to achievethem. For example, you will be able to find affiliate advertisers that would appeal to your targetmarket? Do you have enough information to post regularly on your products and serviceswithout being repetitive?You need to know who your target market and what your purpose is.Blogging - how often?You need to blog regularly. Depending on your goals, you may have to set up blogsper day or maybe only a week. You need to stay on top of your blog.If your blog readers see alull in your posts, they lose interest.A good rule of thumb is to send at least four times a week. Less would beineffective for most purposes.Ask yourself these questions and be honest and realistic with the answers and youwhether it is time to blog or not to blog.
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