Google blog Create animated text titles on blogger ~ Blog for business

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Create animated text titles on blogger

For that in this occasion IdBlogDesign want to share with you on how to create animated text titles on blogger. Immediately following the steps that you can take in making text animation title:
1. Log in to your blogger account.
2. Select the option Template - Edit HTML and Continue.
3. Checklist Expand Widget Templates option.
4. Copy and paste the following code before the code </ head>

  1. <script language='JavaScript'>
    var txt = '<- Message or A Welcome or Title Blog. supported by> ";
    var speed = 170; var refresh = null; function move () {document.title = txt;
    txt = txt.substring (1, txt.length) + txt.charAt (0);
    refresh = setTimeout ("move ()", speed);} move ();
    </ script>

5.Save your template.

If you encounter an error while saving your template, it is because the code of the script above do not parse html code. For code that has been parsed you can see here.

Hopefully this tutorial create animated text title on bloggers can be beneficial for you. Good luck ...


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