Google blog Blogging - Select a theme ~ Blog for business

Monday, 12 March 2012

Blogging - Select a theme

One of the most exciting things for new bloggers to do is to set up their blog. They look forwardcoming up with a catchy name and an eye-catching design to research. Enthusiasm is great, butmake sure it does lead you astray.When you choose your theme, you want to make sure that the theme has the functionality you wantBefore you focus on aesthetics.

Choose a blog theme with featuresIt is important that you choose a theme that has all the features you want. Perhaps the mostimportant thing is to make sure your theme allows you to place ads on your blog if it isOne of your goals.If your blog is part of an affiliate marketing program or another type of program that will allowto monetize your blog you have to make sure the theme you choose is appropriate for thisobjective.Some themes allow ads to be more prominently than other themes. Location adsis one of the keys on a blog. In fact, you should see your blog as real estate and determine itsthe most precious places and use them for maximum impact.If you plan to have a "tag cloud" to your blog, make sure that it supports the theme. The bottomonline is that you must ensure that the theme you choose can handle the different things you wantaccomplish.

Choose a theme Blog - Cleanliness is next to godlinessA blog clean, easy to read and easy to navigate is a successful blog. There are many themesavailable that are high on design and low effectiveness. The people who visit blogs are not lookingfor tons of bells and whistles (unless of course the blog is about bells and whistles). They want toown a blog that is easy to navigate.Check the topics you plan carefully and make sure it's easy to find alldifferent navigation options. Make sure the colors are not too hard or your readers will notable to stay long on your blog. Do not have too many moving parts to your blog or it will bebe unpleasant to blog readers.You want to choose a theme that is comfortable for your readers. The goal is to keep onyour blog to take the time to compare the different topics and ask for help if necessary.



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